18 Jul 2015

Monumental inscriptions and graves

Rookwood Cemetery 
Recently Andrew and Linda Swinfield have been visiting two of the largest cemeteries and graveyards close to Sydney in New South Wales. Many thanks for their sterling efforts.

Plan of Rookwood
They have located and photographed Swinfield monumental inscriptions and graves at both Rookwood and Woronora so that we have them on record. There are still 7 more monuments in the enormous Rookwood Cemetery to be found and photographed. Fortunately there is an index and a plan!

Proprietors' Cemetery, Portsmouth, New Hampshire, USA 

I have decided to add pages to the Blog so that those that we have for each family can be viewed. So far we have images for stones and plaques for Swinfields of Families 2, 3, 4 and 5. Those pages can be found in the right-hand column of this page. Have a look and see if your ancestor or relative is there.

If you know of any other stone or monument which records people called Swinfield, please send me a photograph of it and its location and I will add it to the archive. These are a very useful source of genealogical information but one which can easily be lost.

There must be more out there to find. Let's get copies of them before they disappear forever!