13 Feb 2015

The Second English Swinfield Gathering is happening!

An important date for your 2015 diary!

We are delighted to announce that another Swinfield Gathering has been arranged for September 2015. Almost two years after the first opportunity to meet “our cousins”, there is another chance for you to participate in what was a most enjoyable and informative event. I know that there were people who wished to attend the first one held at Appleby Magna, Derbyshire, on 22nd May 2013 but could not come for some reason. By letting you know the date and venue seven months before it happens, you will have plenty of notice and can add it to your diary for this year.

The Second English Swinfield Gathering
will be held on
12th September 2015
(otherwise the Barwell Community Centre)
Church Lane, Barwell, Leicester
from 1.00 to 5.00 pm

Barwell Church 
Anyone who is or was named Swinfield, by birth or marriage, is very welcome to come along to meet others of the surname, who will be your cousins both close and rather more distant. You will be able find yourself on the pedigrees, which will be displayed, for all known branches of the family. We will make it possible for you to introduce yourselves to others there who are on the same family trees and explain just how you are related. There will also be a wide variety of documents and photographs for you to look at. This time, I will also be giving an illustrated talk about the Genealogy and DNA of the Swinfields.

Whether or not you were at the first Gathering, you will be very welcome to come to this year's event. Let's see if we can wrest back the record from our Australian cousins who had 43 at their Gathering in Sydney in May 2014. Spread the news to all your Swinfield relatives now so that they keep that date free too.

The more attendees, the better! Please let me know that you are coming, and who you will be bringing with you, as soon as you know that you expect to be there. We want to see as many of you as possible in September.

Geoff Swinfield
14 Beaconsfield Road,                                                    Tel: 0208 325 3670
Mottingham,                                                                    e-mail: geoff@gsgs.co.uk