24 Dec 2014

A Very Happy Christmas to all Swinfields

A very Happy Christmas to all Swinfields wherever you may be in the World! I hope that you are still enjoying reading about the developments in the search for “our” genealogy and family history. I will try to keep you informed of progress regularly in the New Year.

The most significant happening of 2014 was the very successful Gathering held in May in Sydney. I guess that the English Swinfields will be after another one in 2015 to see if they can wrest back the record for the number of attendees from our Australian cousins! 

Sadly two of those who were there are no longer with us. John Anthony and John William have left us for a better place, we hope. We are thinking of their families at this time.  

Of course, there have also been new arrivals during 2014. Children have been born with our surname to add to our number.  

John William Swinfield and family 
My current project, to be continued in 2015, is to build up a collection of photos of as many Swinfields, both by birth or by marriage, as I can find or be given. So far I have managed to obtain images of more than 360 of us. How many will we have by the end of the project?

Input from any Swinfields, wherever you live and are celebrating Christmas and the start of a brand New Year, will be much appreciated.