have talked a lot in this Blog about the use of DNA tests to answer
questions about the relationships between the various branches of the
Swinfield family. They can be a great tool to supplement the paper
and parchment documents for our ancestors which we, as genealogists,
use to put together a family tree.
My grandparents' grave - St Michael's churchyard, Yorktown, Surrey |
records such as birth, marriage and death certificates, census
returns, parish registers, wills and gravestones provide us with the
“facts” about our ancestors' lives but they often do not tell the
whole story! As has been discovered and illustrated during this
series of the articles, to be read here, although they are documents
which purport to provide a record of the important events in the
lives (and deaths) of our relatives, they are often far from
truthful. Every time one of our forebears provided information to the
relevant authorities, whether the state or the church, he or she may
have “bent” the facts or just lied. They often altered their
ages, invented names for errant fathers, or hid illegitimacy.
inheritance cannot lie to us. It provides an accurate account of the
real ancestors who donated the code which makes us who we are.
If we can read the blueprint, we sometimes find clues, especially in
the male line (like mine), which tells us that a branch contains
hidden illegitimacy. After all, we only have our female ancestor's
word for who was the true father of any of her children. We can
compare men, using the Y-chromosome tests, to see how closely they
are (or are not!) related. This has already told us a lot about the
Swinfield lines from which we have samples. We were even included in
an article, published in The Guardian last Saturday, about genetic tests which are being done on the possible body of Richard III.
DNA Worldwide test kit |
have very recently “targeted” 18 male Swinfields who are
representatives of six major branches of the family from which no one
has yet been tested or where more samples are needed. I have sought their participation to see if any are prepared to take advantage of a
seasonal cut-price offer which is currently available through
FamilyTree DNA. Until 31st December, the price of a 37-marker test is just
£75 ($119), a saving of over £30 off the normal price. To date,
only two have replied, wishing me well with the study, providing
genealogical information, but declining to pay for a test.
if you are still looking for that very special and personal present
for your beloved Swinfield male for Christmas, what better gift could
there be? What's more, if you test one member of a family, you will get a result for his father, brothers, sons and even his grandsons!
They all have the same Y-chromosome. You would also contribute
significantly to our knowledge of the wider family's history so it
would be a much- appreciated present for me too!
Christmas and a great genealogical New Year!